Monday, February 13, 2012

Natural wisdom?

We all know the old adage - Life goes on. Nothing is constant on the axis of time. The dates change, the seasons change, ages change, perceptions change, appearances change, beliefs change. Like a river, in constant motion. Yet, the irony is that at times we feel stagnated.

Contentment. And stagnation. Two sides of the same coin. Perceptions by an optimist, and a realist, maybe?

In a world with multiple frames of reference, we find ourselves battling many assumptions, trying to find answers to questions difficult to frame.

As we move on in life, we meet new people who take us through. They say that there are some people whom you meet for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime. Everyone you meet doesnt stick around forever. And even if they do, equations change. When the river starts flowing, it starts out alone, pure, sparkling and clean. As it flows, it collects sand, stones, mud, weeds and proceeds, less clean, not sparkling, but not alone. In its journey to the sea, it encounters big rocks , ditches, where some of the weed may get caught and sand deposited. But it moves on, picking up new weeds along its way, and it will never be alone. Nature teaches us to move on.